Casho contacted YES because she wanted to feel more confident about maths, and work towards a qualification which would help her at work. Casho told us that she always felt like she couldn’t do maths, and so avoided it as much as possible. Casho started the Make Numbers Work course and subsequently joined the Functional Skills Maths programme. Casho’s maths skills have improved enormously, and she feels very pleased with her progress. She has grown in confidence especially when tackling problems, and is much more prepared to give things a go. She says she feels a forty-year block has been released!

Casho worked hard to gain the Functional Skills Maths qualification. She achieved 100% attendance through the course and also completed the independent study tasks at home. even though finding the time to do this with a job and children has not been easy!
Casho has achieved her Level 1 Functional Skills maths qualification and plans to use it as a springboard for possible promotion at work. As a result of attending YES, Casho no longer feels she “can’t do maths” and feels more confident in her learning. She feels that she can be a successful student and that she has the skills, abilities and time management skills to take on further courses. Casho is now considering enrolling for Functional Skills English and level 2 maths.